Thursday, February 18, 2010


Shalom peeps. I'm in my sociology class right now and as you can see, I'm very bored. This class is so bad and it definetely is not a class that I expected when I chose it. A friend of mine dropped it after the first class and I shouldve done the same haha. But I'm sticking around so we'll see how this goes. After this class I have to go to work, but I'm thinking about stopping by soho to buy some stuff.

Clothes and the such are such a drug. Just like alcohol can consume, just like weed can be addicting, or even gambling and betting can be a problem. Shopping an spending money on material things are a drug in itself. We all know but to what degree. Don't we all have enough clothes, enough shoes, enough bags? I know I do and I don't even shop or buy as much as some other people I know. On top of that, I'm a super cheap dude so I probably spend a lot less money than others, but I still have way enough. And you do too.

A problem of mines last year while I was attending PBU was always trying to look good and making sure I had attractive clothes on. People would walk by me and say, "Hey Cheech. You're looking spiffy today!" or "Looking good Cheech." It goes on and on, but towards the end of the spring semester my closest friends and I had an intervention. It was called "Hot Seat." We told each oher everything that bothered us about the person in the hot seat. The problems, the sins, and the things that that person most likely did not want to hear but needed to hear. When I was in the hot seat, I got hit hard too as the rest did. One of the issues about me was how I try to look good too much with clothes and accessories. Very true, but it hurt a lot because I didn't think about it back then.

It still hasn't fully gone or even gone a bit at all. I'm still trying to look good. I'm still tring to impress eveyone that I encounter. Maybe it's a NYC thing but it's something that I still struggle with.

What if we all just went back to the days where we could just walk around naked. No shame. No clothes. Just leaves. Haha. That would be crazy.

Well I'm about to go on break now so imma go eat some Subway because they got any regular footlong for $5 baby. Now I can get something else besides oven roasted chicken breast. Lol. And after class I might go to soho and buy something or I might not. There's a lot that might go through my mind within an hour and a half so who knows. We'll see what happens people.

Hope you enjoyed me being vulnerable haha. Food for thought my hungry brothers and sisters.

Later gators,